A villa characterised by volumes, paths and clean geometries.
Architecturally, the villa is the perfect combination of pure volumes that overlap in a pleasing way, intersecting and defining porticos and facades in a clear and linear manner. The careful use of exterior lighting emphasises the chiaroscuro created by the volumes and guides the way to the entrance of the house. The idea of the perception of space in the functional paths was one of the criteria that inspired the design. Taking a cue from the architect Philip Johnson’s idea of the “processional element in architecture” (1965) and who said: “Architecture is surely not the design of space, certainly not the massing or organising of volumes. These are auxiliary to the main point, which is the organisation of procession”… Architecture exists only in time… Even the most uninformed tourist knows how much more pleasure the Parthenon gives, because you have to climb up to the Acropolis.. Beauty is the result of the way one moves in space… From where and to where, these are positive architectural virtues, not negative; they are the foundations for every artistic discipline…”, says the architect, Agazzi who has designed a villa characterised by volumes, paths and clean geometries.

Each space is characterised by identifying elements in terms of function and imagination.
And if the exterior is volume and geometry, the interior is pure emotion: the succession of geometric lines immersed in white, the open spaces without wall articulations, and the large terrace with a sky view on the top floor, allow a full visual and spatial perception, in which light is free to flow in every direction and convey feelings of freedom and well-being. The design has a linear and contemporary architectural language, functional to the spatial distribution. The villa is the perfect combination of pure volumes that overlap each other, defining porticos and façades in a clear and linear way. The furniture, studied and designed by architects Agazzi and Amico, is concealed where necessary, as in the case of the kitchen, or camouflaged in total white where only forms and functions emerge. Cuts of natural and artificial light, studied by lighting designer Emanuela Merlo, accompany the house’s path in a continuous interchange between indoors and outdoors, which finds its outlet in the double-height windowsu that emphasise the visual continuity between the living area, sleeping area and outdoor patio, while protecting against the seasonal climate changes. Outdoor living but with all the comforts of a technological and smart home with control systems for all the systems: air conditioning, lighting system, audio and video, spa and outdoor pool. All the interior and exterior spaces, in terms of their technological, functional, perceptual, colour, shape and material characteristics, have been designed to achieve an integrated building, designed as a whole. At the same time, each space is characterised by identifying elements in terms of function and imagination.
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